Lion: likes to lead, good at making decisions, very goal-oriented, and enjoys challenges.
Otter: Social, loves people, enjoys being popular, has lots of friends, the life of the party.
Golden Retriever: Very loyal, does not like big changes, sensitive, caring, enjoys close friendships.
Beaver: Organized, pays attention to details, problem solvers, wants things done right.
Today the girls were put into their personality groups and their assignment was to create a t-shirt that had to do with B.H.S. Girl's Soccer. The shirt had to be worn by one of their group's members. Upon a team vote of which t-shirt was the best.......the Golden Retrievers won.
You'll love these pics!
Our models with their finished products!
(Below) The lions on the team: (Team Manager) Kelsey Koontz,
Emalee Weyandt, Darian Micinac (Keisha Sigler not pictured)
As expected, the lions would get the word "Fight" into their project!
(Below) Need some work done? Call these girls...they're the beavers.
They'll pay attention to the details and they'll do it exactly right.
They were the first team to run to a gym bag, pull out a t-shirt,
lay it down on the paper, and trace around it for an exact fit!
The beavers of the team are: Jess Querry, Shelley Robison,
Kelly Beegle, and Hannah Grimes, (Veronica Jeffries not pictured)
(Below) This team of retrievers were voted best t-shirt design by
their fellow players. Retrievers take the longest to work on a
project because they tend to be nice....which color
do you want to use? I don't care...what do you want to use?
It doesn't matter to me, just pick one? No, you pick one. They're
such nice girls!
The Golden Retrievers on the team are:
Hannah Miller, Kristin O'Brien, Carrie Baker, Kristin Morris, and
Marlena Parrish!
(Below) and then you have the "Let's Have a Blast Doing This"
group of otters. As you can see, this personality style usually forgets
what the assignment is. They were to design a t-shirt....but this group
of otters completely forgot and went for designing the latest and the
greatest homecoming dress. Otters are always the loudest group and
these girls didn't disappoint us in that department! Notice the use of
colors...they used every color available to them in the classroom because
that's just what otters do!
Our team otters are:
Shayla Miller, Erin Mueller, Katie Pyle, Kayla Straub, Darian Fetters,
Kellie Pyle, Makayla Robinette, Spencer Growden, and Monica Littlefield,
(Abby Cubbison not pictured).
So how do the coaches fit into this personality thing?
We have Beaver Schrock, Lion Brambley, and
Lion Grimes. While Coach Schrock is busy organizing everything
so it's done right, Coach Brambley and Coach Grimes are challenging
each other to a dual to see who gets to be the first in line at the
water fountain!