Richland Game

I have to say, even though the scoreboard showed 12-0 last night, this game showed us more than just a score. The thing I am most excited about was the fact that our girls never once gave up. Tough games not only build character, but they reveal character. I believe the character of this team of girls was revealed last night....they refused to give up no matter what. It takes this type of character for us to move forward and press on toward the goal of being successful in the playoffs. We changed some things last night with the formation during the first half and the girls responded well. This game gave us a chance to try some new things as we looked toward the future of this season’s playoffs. There were some newer girls who stepped up to play in some positions we needed to have filled to be able to become more of an attacking team for future games.

I’m proud of you girls and how you responded to the situation last night. As coaches, we’re anxious to use this as a launching point because we saw some exciting things that we are now able to build upon.

Wednesday night….Westmont at home….can’t wait! Come out and support our's sure to be an exciting game!

Team Photos