Just How Fast Was That Ball Going?

Trooper Gabriel showed up today with his radar gun to see just how fast our girls could kick a ball. We had girls who kicked 30+ m.p.h and those who kicked 40+ m.ph. The top speed kicker was (drumroll).......Keisha Sigler clocked at 50 m.p.h. Man can she ever get a ball blazing into that net! Kristin O'Brien, Kelly Beegle, and Hannah Grimes weren't far behind in their speed. And then you have Twinkle Toes Brambley....well, let's just say he ought to wear a pink shirt that reads "I kick like a girl!"....no, wait minute...it should read "I can't even kick as good as a girl!" Enjoy the pics from our first day of preseason!

Kelly Beegle

Keisha Sigler (50 m.p.h ball)

Katie Pyle

Erin Mueller

Shelley Robison

Carrie Baker

Kristin O'Brien

Hannah Grimes

Twinkle Toes

The whole gang with Trooper Gabriel!

Team Photos